Conversation at First Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama

                    Featuring Special Guest:  Dr. Jay Wolf

Today’s podcast guest describes himself as a “kingdom entrepreneur.”  I absolutely love that.  When Dr. Jay Wolf is not verbally sharing Jesus, he is creatively contemplating an abundance of additional ways to tell even more people about Jesus.  His is the endeavor of eternal entrepreneurship. 

Since 1991, Jay has served as a pastor in the downtown heart of the capitol city of Alabama.  Stepping into Jay’s study was like sitting down in a rocking chair before the first fireplace of autumn.  Our conservation was equally inviting, warm, and refreshing.  In a matter of minutes I was enthralled.  At one point, Jay unknowingly corrected some faulty theological thinking on my part.  So get ready to learn about pressing on, changing seats in the orchestra, and Jay’s great addiction.  Grab a pen and some paper (for taking notes) and pull up close to the fire!  We saved you a rocker?