Complete this sentence: I delight in ……..

I posed this open-ended declaration to several of my friends.  And as their responses came tumbling in, I knew today’s Table was gonna truly be something special!

Delight is a word most of us don’t use often enough.  Gratitude is like the map of our entire journey; delight is the buried treasure.

So, come along with us as we get high on Life with a little help from my friends!

(With: Michael Adler – Jimmy Baker – Kristen Buchner – Lisa Lee Burke – Mark Brown – Larry Cobb – Jeff Gore – Lori Harris – Lynn Higbe.)

Featuring “Love With a Crown” by John Mark McMillan (Used by Permission through Musicbed).


All of us find ourselves in seasons where it seems our lives are struggling upward through the dark.

Angel’s Landing in Zion National Park is often considered one of the most dangerous trails in the National Park System.  I hiked it in the dark with rain in the forecast at a time when my climbing legs were not in peak physical condition.  I almost didn’t, and if I hadn’t. I would have missed one of my best hiking days ever.  I would have also missed a trail lesson that continues to change the way I live my every day.

It is difficult trudging upward through the pitch with just enough light to chase the daunting up the trail a few feet beyond your beam.  But such is life if you are ever really going anywhere worth arriving.  Come join us for this high table adventure.

Featuring “Canyons” by Cory Asbury (Used by Permission through Musicbed).


According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a curio is “something considered novel, rare, or bizarre.”  A memento is “something that serves to warn or remind.”

Today’s light hearted episode encourages you to look around; go on a treasure hunt and search for curios, mementos, and everyday Ebenezers.  Don’t know what an Ebenezer is?  We’re glad you asked.

Today’s podcast also includes two special guest cameos – my brother Dwight Kidd and one of my best friends, Jeff Gore.  And hopefully, after coming to today’s Table, your souvenirs will start speaking to you every time you look their way. 

Featuring “Look For Miracles” by JJ Heller (Used by Permission through Musicbed).


Before you awakened this morning, God was in His kitchen preparing fresh, new recipes of steadfast love and mercy, and Jesus was already setting the table for your day as it began. Don’t miss the meal.  The greatest opportunity you may have to taste something unbelievably wonderful this week, could be the one you far too readily overlook.  

Let Jesus set the table of your day with Himself.  Allow yourself plenteous opportunity to fill yourself with the best dish this life has to offer.  This table is for everyone.  There is a place card with your name on it.  Come join the party!

Featuring “At the Table” by Josh Garrels (Used by Permission through Musicbed).


Breakfast and Conversation with Special Guest:  Alex Hettinga

Recorded Live at Vintage Cafe in Montgomery, Alabama.

It doesn’t take long to hear the heart of today’s special guest Alex Hettinga.  His conversation always weaves back to family and fatherhood.  Alex is a husband, a father of two children, a classical violinist and violist, and the Senior Manager of Fatherhood and Family Programs at Care Net – a national Pro Abundant Life Ministry.

If you’re a father, if you know a father, if you have a baby on the way, if you love classical music or know someone who does, if you are a fan of Johann Sebastian Bach, get ready for a feast.  This episode has something for everyone and was recorded live in the midst of the unpredictable ambience of life.

It’s classical.  It’s stylish.  It’s vintage.  It’s current.  And we saved you a seat and a menu.  The avocado toast comes highly recommended.

Featuring “Skye (Bach Violin Partita No. 3 in E Major Bwv 1006)” by Abilene (Used by Permission through Musicbed) and “Meditation” from Thais by Jules Massanet and performed by Alex Hettinga (Used by Permission).


It is February and I am still singing Christmas songs.  One carol in particular I sing all year long because of two words in its title that deeply connect with my soul.  Wonder and wander.  “I wonder as I wander out under the sky.”  

Today’s episode ponders three questions:

– How often are you struck with wonder?

– What evokes wonder in you?

– Do you connect deep wonder and curiosity with worship and awe of God?

Today’s episode features a cameo visit with my absolute favorite special guest of all 136 episodes – my daughter Lauren.  Lauren Myers.  Barge Barge to her friends.

Take a load off your hiking boots and spend a few moments getting lost in wonder.

Featuring “Has It Been You” by John Mark McMillan (Used by Permission through Musicbed).


Soul down.  Not as in, “Why are you downcast, O my soul?” (Psalm 43:5), but more like “Slow your soul down.”  You are carrying way too much weight.  You are accelerating at way too fast a speed.  Soul down.  You will need a deeper anchor to navigate all you are called to do in any given day, as well as all the activities the world pitches your way.  Soul down.

Today’s episode asks three questions:

– What are your deep spiritual practices?

– How do you stay deep in your relationship with God in the midst of the constant vortex of a world that keeps trying to pull you away?

– How do you keep your soul anchored?

We’ve set the Table with soul food today and we saved you a seat!

Featuring “8th Wonder – Campfire Version” by The National Parks (Used by Permission through Musicbed).


A Conversation With Special Guest:  Steph Cherry

The year is barely begun and most New Year’s resolutions are still being pursued.  How are you doing with yours?

I am delighted to sit down with Special Guest Steph Cherry.  Steph is a therapist, life coach, chef to the homeless, a well of deep wisdom, and my good friend.  And today we will be encouraging all our Table guests to choose words over resolutions, as in “What’s your word of the year?”  So get ready to chow down and word up!

Featuring “The Well” by JJ Heller (Used by Permission through Musicbed).


Twenty-five years ago, I came across an article about Taos Pueblo in Northern New Mexico.  Every year the Pueblo Indians who live around Taos observe “the time of being still.”  From December 15th to January 15th, the pueblo shuts down from the normal hustle and bustle of everyday life and observes a whole month of silent contemplation.

Imagine an entire month to be still in the presence of God for the soul purpose of spending time with Him.  What if we contemplated Christmas afterwards equally as intense as we anticipated Christmas before we celebrate?

Today’s episode includes a cameo visit with therapist and life coach Steph Cherry, and features the music of R. Carlos Nakai and William Eaton performing “Silent Night (with Navajo Chorale).”  (Courtesy of Canyon Records)

Welcome to a new year at the Table!


On Christmas Day, I found myself slipping into a booth at my local Waffle House and was immediately struck how it felt like slipping into a church pew.  The Spirit of Jesus was present amidst the eggs, bacon, and waffles.

Where are the places and when were the moments when Christmas found you this year?

What spoke Christmas to you, and what did it say when it spoke?

Join me on a Christmas journey acknowledging one of the greatest presents of Christmas – the gift of good memories.  As I reminisce over my Granny’s sweet muffins and luminarias in New Mexico, perhaps you’ll recall a covey of good moments all your own.

I’ll drop a quarter in the Waffle House jukebox and we can listen to Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors sing “Joy to the World” (used by permission) as we share Christmas brunch.  I recommend bacon and sausage because …. it’s Christmas!