A Totally Spontaneous Conversation With Occasional Co-Host:  Steph Cherry

Nothing about today’s Table was planned.  It was all inspired by a surreal moment at Disney World when Winnie the Pooh was espied chasing butterflies across a grassy field.  And hardly anybody noticed.  But I did.

I returned from Disney.  A special guest had to cancel.  Steph and I were set up for a Zoom conversation anyway.  And about half way through, I decided to hit the record button.  I’m still not sure why.  I had no plans to use any of what follows.

Then we started swapping recent trip stories to Israel, the Magic Kingdom, the Smoky Mountains, and the absurdity abounded.  There was no substance abuse in the recording of this Table, but there was a drug dog.  And Petra, princesses, camels, birds, Magdala, Indiana Jones, Jesus, and pixie dust, with Ross King’s incredible new song “Like Jesus” (Used by Permission) to net it all together.

Listen as you’re “busy, busy, busy doing nothing.”  Winnie would.