A Conversation With Special Guest:  Jimmy Amisial

We’ve all heard the proverb, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”  Today’s Special Guest Jimmy Amisial takes that saying to a whole ‘nother level.  Jimmy is from Haiti and his story brims with danger and inspiration.  He faced adversity growing up in a country labeled third world and then came to the United States for college, only to encounter a malignancy that attacks the very heart of God – American racism.  Yet, all along the way, Jimmy keeps finding amazing, astounding treasures in a place most regard as worthless – the trash. 

At the moment, Jimmy is in Texas riding out the pandemic pause with the rest of us. He needs to return to Haiti and he also needs to resume his education here in the states.  This is a story God is right in the middle of and I can’t wait to see how God writes the next chapter.  I suggest you get a scoop of Blue Bell Creole Cream Cheese Ice Cream, and join us.  You’ll be glad you did! 


Conversations With Special Guests:  Michael Adler and Banneker HatchersonWe are all in the same boat right now.  The world as we knew it hit the pause button.  A new storyline has interrupted this season of our lives.  Everybody has a story to tell.  Some days we’re singing the blues and some days, praise and gratitude pours out.  Most days it’s a medley of both.  I sent out an invitation to a few of my friends to see if any of them had a timely story or fresh perspective to share.  Today we will hear from two who have been to the table before.  Michael Adler was with us in December  (“Step In To the Wondrous”) and Banneker Hatcherson joined us in September (“Letting Jesus Set the Table.”)  Yes, we’re all in the same boat, but it’s a big, big boat with lots and lots of room, and it has a big, big table, and we saved you a seat.


Conversation and Dinner With Special Guests:  David and Kelly Cochran

Welcome to Resurrection Monday and the opening episode of Season #2!  Last week we shared the first half of a two-part conversation with Special Guests David and Kelly Cochran.  Almost two years ago, David and Kelly’s son Max took his own life after struggling off and on with mental health issues for 19 years.  David and Kelly graciously allowed us to re-walk their joyous, yet tumultuous journey with Max, all the way to the place where stones seem final.What you’re about to experience is a reminder we all need to hear, especially in challenging days like these.  Jesus is still risen!  God is still Sovereign!  Jesus can still redeem any and every circumstance surrendered to Him!  And when God rolls a stone, it keeps on a rollin!’ Thank you for joining us and check out to learn more.


Conversation and Dinner With Special Guests:  David and Kelly Cochran

Welcome to our 50th Episode!  Hopefully by now, you feel at home around this weekly table of hope and good news. Since we launched on Resurrection Monday 2019, it has been one entrée of encouragement after another.  That’s a recipe we all could use a little more of as we face this momentary crisis. 

It is Holy Week.  The last week of Jesus’ earthly life was a rollercoaster of highs and lows that shattered on a Friday we now call “Good.”  When Jesus died on a cross that Friday afternoon, no one could see how any “good” could ever rise from that.  Sometimes our journeys follow similar courses.Today’s table is set with grace.  Before the quarantine, I was honored to share a meal with Special Guests David and Kelly Cochran and share in one of the most sacred conversations I have ever had.  Almost two years ago, David and Kelly’s son Max took his own life after struggling off and on with mental health issues for 19 years. At a time when the world is hurting, we need to especially look after those who’s everyday lives feel as anxious as ours do now.  This is the first of a two-part story that will resume next week on Resurrection Monday. Thank you for joining us.


A Conversation With Special Guests:  John Lankford and Madison Kerns of Five Loaves

There are so many layers to this special midweek episode.  Our nation’s medical community is on the frontlines of what very well may be the fight of our lifetime. One creative organization in Birmingham, Alabama has come up with a tangible way for the Magic City to say “thank you” to area healthcare staff.   The CareHealth Initiative coordinates meals for those working tirelessly to turn the tide on this pandemic.  (Fast forward 24 minutes to learn more.)It was an honor to catch a few moments with Five Loaves Founder John Lankford and Five Loaves Director Madison Kerns and discover this incredible organization that, under less stressful times, combines food, art, and conversation to connect an entire community.  May this podcast inspire you to meet tremendous need wherever you are – and if that happens to be Birmingham, go to to learn more.  The life you feed today may be the one God uses tomorrow to save someone you love. 


A Conversation With Special Guest:  Ross King

In 2019, singer-songwriter Ross King released a song with a knockout lyric that dropped fear to its knees – “The Things That I’m Afraid Of.”  Now last year’s fears seem rather tame in light of a worldwide pandemic that threatens us all.It is a joy to welcome Ross once again to the table and to revisit his powerful song. Get ready to be encouraged as we talk about fear, faith, hope, and the future.  Yes, the challenge we face is great, but the Truth behind our momentary circumstances is greater!  Grab yourself a fresh cup of coffee from your kitchen.  We saved you a seat at “Redemption’s Table.”  


Dinner and Conversation at Village Tavern in Birmingham Alabama

                    Featuring Special Guests:  Jennifer and Todd Gerelds

She has written 20 books to his 2.  One of his was turned into a Major Motion Picture – “Woodlawn.” It is a delight to welcome authors Jennifer Gerelds and Todd Gerelds to the table this week.  They are the parents of four daughters and the biggest fans of one another.  And both have had their life-calling fine-tuned in recent days.I first heard Jennifer speak as a participant during a Pro-Life Summit last year.  I had no knowledge at the time that she was a prolific author.  Instead, I heard a Christ-following mom tell how her fresh commitment to pro-life issues originally created a stir in her own home.  I felt there was a story here that needed to be shared.  When I later discovered I would be sharing a conversation with not one, but two well-known authors … well, that was icing on the cake.  Get ready to hear how two distinct callings from two authentic spouses have come together to make a loving difference in the lives of women and men impacted by abortion.  And get ready to be reminded how good a crowded restaurant sounds as well. 


Lunch and Conversation at Home Plate Diner in Hueytown, Alabama

                    Featuring Special Guest:  Larry McNeal

Do you know peace right now?

Today’s podcast guest Larry McNeal was standing on the corner of Broadway and 149thStreet in New York City when he thought to himself, “I’ve had just about everything a person can have, but there’s something missing in my life. I do not have peace.” We live in disconcerting times.  There appears to be more bad news than good, but the best news is – appearances are deceiving.  God is still God.  He is still showing up in amazing ways in people’s lives.  Larry’s journey is this week’s Exhibit A.  (My pulse quickens every time I hear his story.)   So go grab a tray and order up some good meat and three.  Then join us at the table.  We saved you a seat.   And if you’re looking for peace, look up.  Peace is about to find you.


Lunch and Conversation at Sinclair’s East in Montgomery, Alabama

                    Featuring Special Guest:  Katie Blair

Of the four original seasons, almost everyone I know has a favorite.  But I don’t know a single solitary soul who likes the fifth season – the season of brokenness.  This season overstays a welcome it was never extended in the first place.  While the others are three months and done, death, loss, grief, and pain leave a trace of their lingering presence the rest of our lives.Today’s podcast guest Katie Blair and her entire family has been in grief’s shadow of late.  From a son battling a chronic illness to a fire that destroyed their home to the death of both of Katie’s parents, these past few years have been a chapter right out of the book of Job.  Yet even in the midst of all this, there is hope.  We welcome Katie to the table and look forward to the launch of her own podcast coming later this spring – “She Said Death.”  A chair awaits you at the table.  We recommend the quesadillas.


A Conversation With Special Guest:  BOB GOFF

If today’s podcast guest were to paraphrase Jesus’ words in John 10:10 – “I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full,”he probably would translate Jesus saying it something like this: “I have come that you may live life to the extremes, living it all the way to the edge of yikes!”That’s how Bob Goff lives his life.  As a lawyer, he took Ugandan witch doctors to court to stop child sacrifices.  His “Love Does” organization has been fighting for human rights and providing education to children in conflict zones for over 15 years.  He authored a couple of New York Times’ bestsellers to support this work.  He teaches classes at San Quentin.  He shares his “Dream Big” Framework in conferences and encourages hundreds to pursue their God-given dreams.  So grab a pen and paper and join us for a treat! We saved you a seat.