A Conversation With Special Guest:  Andrew Lowen

Are you a gamer?  Check your closet.  The average gamer owns 1-25 board games.  You may be a gamer and not even know it!  And there’s a new game coming out this spring that is already proven to be a game changer.

Guest co-host Steph Cherry and I converse with game designer Andrew Lowen about his upcoming board game Deliverance – the highest crowdfunded Christian game ever.   Deliverance is a cooperative game for 1-4 players of angels, demons, and saints caught up in a battle between opposing spiritual forces.  

A former professional gamer, Andrew also shares how his life transitioned from video games to board games and how his journey to bring Deliverance to your table began 6 years ago.  Choose your hero – check your sword -it’s game on!

Featuring “Things That I’m Afraid Of” by Singer-Songwriter Ross King (Used by Permission)

2 Replies to “DELIVERANCE – GAME ON”

  1. An outstanding interview. I love the development process and the incorporation of theology into the game.
    I look forward to putting Deliverance on the table.

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