Dessert and Conversation at Patio Dolcetto in San Marcos, Texas

                        Featuring Special Guest:  Steph Cherry

I greatly admire Steph Cherry’s walk with Jesus.  She and her husband Denbigh are raising three daughters while restoring a 100 year old home into a respite for weary souls in need of still before God.  She’s an artist and an author.  She’s the founder of  The Gospel Mom – an organization of ragamuffin women who take food and hope to the homeless, to Haiti, and bring it back home.  It is a joy and delight to welcome Steph to “The Table.”  After our dinner with former guest Christy Guenther, Steph and I headed over to Patio Dolcetto for some Molten Chocolate Bundt Cake, coffee, and sobremesa.  We saved you a seat.