Dinner and Conversation at Martha’s Place in Montgomery, Alabama

                    Featuring Special Guest:  Andrew Roberts

I hope my grandkids some day encounter a schoolteacher like Mr. Roberts.  He has been teaching in public education at the same school for 23 years.  He purposefully chose to return to the same elementary school where he was once a student.  And with the grace of God, he overcame a few potentially sidelining obstacles to get there.The first time I met Andrew, I was struck by his presence.  He cares about people and it shows.  He’s very upfront about his style of teaching:  “I aim for the heart.” But as with every gifted teacher, Andrew also exhibits the humility of a student.  He is still being flipped upside down by the One the world recognizes as “Good Teacher.” Andrew and I shared some tasty Southern meat and three at Martha’s Place.  So jump in the buffet line, fill up your plate, and come on back to the table. We saved you a seat.